In 2020
time:2021-09-13 10:02  edit:admin  source:原创
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1、President Xi Jinping came to Heshun Ancient Town on January 19th, 2020. President Xi Jinping looked into the view and ecological environment protection of there, and learned about the formation and development of the Southwest Silk Road and the historical and cultural inheritance of Heshun Ancient Town.

2、Zhang Guoli, a famous actor and director in China, the promotion ambassador of the first "International tea day", and his delegation came to Jingmai Mountain to promote products at Bolian Pu'er tea Fazenda on May 9, 2020.

3、In October 2020, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi successively met with foreign ministers and special envoys of Southeast Asia in Bolian Resorts & SPA, Heshun. Bolian Resorts & SPA, Heshun successfully completed the reception of national foreign affairs.

4、In 2020, Bolian Pure Pu'er tea was selected as the national gift of the Ministry of foreign affairs, and the products of Bolian Pu'er tea Fazenda were selected into the national catalogue of poverty alleviation agricultural products.

5、In 2020, Heshun passed the landscape quality evaluation of national tourist attraction with the highest 5A-level rating organized by the   Ministry of culture and tourism of The people's republic of China, and officially obtained the qualification to establish tourist attraction with the highest 5A-level rating.

6、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Huangguoshu was awarded the prize of "The top ten romantic Resorts & SPA" issued by Ctrip group.

7、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Heshun was awarded the prize of "The most popular Resorts & SPA" award in "The 12th best Resorts & SPA in China Award".

8、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Heshun won the award of "The best tourist destination of Resorts & SPA" in the "Golden list of Resorts & SPA credibility in China".

9、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Heshun won "City landmark of Resorts & SPA Award" in China Resorts & SPA new power media prize.

10、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Huangguoshu won the prize of "The best Resorts & SPA in 2020"issued by "Meituan".

11、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Chongqing was awarded the prize of "2020 quality Resorts" issued by Fliggy App.

12、Bolian Plaza was awarded as the recognition of "Architecture value 100 million yuan" of the economy Kunming building headquarters economy.

13、Bolian Group was awarded as the title of newly recognized headquarters enterprise in Kunming and Bolian Plaza won the title of characteristic building in Wuhua, Kunming District.