In 2019
time:2021-09-13 10:04  edit:admin  source:原创
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1、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Huangguoshu won "The best grand opening Resorts & SPA in 2019 " prize of "The 11th China's best Resorts & SPA Award".

2、Bolian Resorts & SPA, Heshun won the award of "The best seclusion Resorts & SPA in China" in the selection of "Weekend Resorts & SPA in China".

3、Bolian Resorts &SPA, Heshun won "The best resort Resorts & SPA" and "The best design Resorts & SPA" in the "2019 Tourism Award" of tourism and leisure of all media.

4、Bolian Resorts & SPA won "The best luxury Resorts & SPA" prize in "The 11th China best Resorts & SPA Award" evaluation activity.